Advice on Asbestos containing products within the home.
Simple Detector Checks Can Save Your Life
Prior to your tenancy commencing, Hjaltland Housing Association will ensure that smoke and heat detectors are maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Smoke and heat detectors are some of the most important items in your home when it comes to your family's safety. These early warning devices may help alert your family to fire and dangerous smoke while there is still time to evacuate, but they need to be periodically tested to help ensure proper function.
Hjaltland Housing Association Will:
- Carry out periodic testing on all fixed electrical installations and fixed equipment.
- Repair or replace defective fixed installations (smoke and heat detectors)
Tenants Should:
- Test detectors on a weekly basis.
- Keep it clean and dust free. Gently vacuum the outside casing. If you’re decorating or doing something that creates a lot of dust, use an elastic band to secure a plastic bag over the smoke alarm casing – Don’t forget to take it off when you’re done!
- Not tamper with detectors.
How To Test A Smoke Or Heat Detector
- Press and hold the test button on the detector.
- It can take a few seconds to begin, but a loud, ear-piercing siren should emanate from the smoke detector while the button is pressed.
- If the sound is weak or non-existent, contact Hjaltland Housing Association 01595 694986.
Why Do It?
- Electronic devices are not infallible. Parts of the detectors can wear out over time. Testing them regularly is one way to help ensure your family stays safe should there be a fire in your home.