
You can find out about our Association using the links below.

In this Section


Hjaltland Housing Association Ltd was created from a merger in 1980 between Scottish Airports Ltd, formed in 1974, and the then Hjaltland Housing Association, formed in 1975.

Freedom of Information


Membership of the Association is open to all tenants, and anyone in Shetland interested in housing.


The Committee of Management is made up of Association Members voted in by the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Committee of Management makes important decisions in the running of the Association between AGMs.


Hjaltland Housing Association takes great pride in delivering excellent services and believe the way to do this is by employing excellent people.

Scottish Housing Regulator

Fair Work First


The following is a list of the most important policies and documents published by us that you may wish to consult.

Performance Reports

In this section you can find information on our performance.

Public Minutes

Download the latest public minutes from Management Committee meetings.


What our tenants have to say about us.


Download our published accounts.

Procurement and Tendering

Welcome to this section of the website where the Association intends to publish information on its programme of works including procurement and tendering opportunities.